Taipei Day 7 and part of 8.

Going out to night market in a bit for some grub, the fun continues here in Taiwan. Yesterday we ventured out of the city on a curvy wild bus ride to Wulai, an Aboriginal village in the nearby mountains. Theres a beautiful waterfall there, and we walked up lovers lane to it. The town of Wulai has two neat streets filled with all kinds of touristy stuff, and I had the most amazing Ginger flavored meat on a stick ever. We also tried a weird corn mush thing covered in Hershey’s Chocolate. It was strange but delicious. It’s funny how similar the Aytal people who live here are to the Cherokee indians in North Carolina. So many of there clothes look similar and you have to wonder how far back it was when these people may have lived together. Last night we ate at the Japanese food court in a local mall. I wish we had food that was that good in our food court.

Today we had a big lunch to go to with the family one more time. A big duck feast, that was delicious, but of course I ate too much. We then went to Longshan Temple which has been there since the 1600’s. Its really impressive. We wandered the streets some more before heading back to the hotel for some rest before our night out. Tomorrow is our last day here. We are gonna try and hit a paper museum, and we have a friends dance concert to go to tomorrow night to end our Taiwan experience Our last meal here if they have there way will be at a German Restaurant. I’ve had a blast, but am very tired and a little homesick. One more day to go!


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