Placebo part 30

We stop at a gas station an hour outside the city. This is where the changes start. Hair cut, then dyed. Chemicals fill my nose slowly burning up to my lungs. Lots of makeup covers my face. I take my time, looking every now and again at the new me, but Will is getting nervous outside. He knocks hard.
“Come on Sparrow. We got a schedule to keep.”

I finally head out of the bathroom, leaving a disaster of black dye and empty containers behind. I look back at the store as I leave and for moment I flash back to the 7-11. It almost buckles me. Bile fills my throat. Will is leaning casually against the car blowing bubbles in large round formations, and shoots me with his eyes.

“Get in, Joan Jett.” Ha, very funny.
We spin away towards one last stop.


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