So what’s next for Lucky Creature?

So your sitting there reading your copies of Lucky Creature Attacks # 3 or your Peas Almost Action figure set (which strangely has seen a lot of orders lately) and your wondering what’s coming out next from us? I’m kind of wondering/pondering that as well.

I can say for sure that Lucky Creature Attacks #4 will be out next fall as that is an annual anthology I don’t see myself tiring of producing anytime soon. I have one written thing that I’m looking for a collaborator on that may or may not be through Lucky Creature.

On the music side I think I have solved my dilemna of putting things to a physical press in this itunes world. The solution, although I’m not ready to talk about it is economical as well as environmentally  friendly.  We are persuing if there are any artists who feel the same way we do about it. If there is then you’ll see new music from us in 2009. If not, then maybe another day. 

I doubt you’ll get another poster from us this year, but never say never. There should be a new His World Her World after Jessica graduates from Grad school this spring.

In the online world there will continue to be Peas adventures every Friday and is a beast that could probably run without any support from me, it’s founder. We are toying with launching a new project like that, but in a different medium.

And then there’s me branching into Etsy which has been very fun and a nice release for my silly paintings. Things get more personal, but I’m pretty proud of that fact. 

So what’s next for Lucky Creature? Sometimes I wonder if I’ll know when I see it. But if I do, you’ll be the first to know.


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