My summer of movies is over!

I’m not going to see the Mummy on the big screen so my streak is over. I did end up skipping two of the movies on my initial list those being The Happening after everyone told me it was the worse piece of cinema in years, and Hancock, which I decided to just wait and rent. But I still did see 11 movies this summer on the big screen and here they are from my least favorite to my favorite. All in all it was a very fun summer

11: Speed Racer. Easily the biggest dissapointment of the summer. Despite some whizbang special effects this is essentialy a really dumb kids movie. And after the success of another kids movie on my list, thats just inexcusable.

10: Incredible Hulk. Better than the first Hulk. Really great 1st hour in Brazil. And then we see the Hulk and you realize some CGI still isn’t there.

9: Wanted. Nothing like the comic. Pretty Stupid, but if you go in looking for a dumb popcorn summer movie( which we haven’t had many of lately) then you can’t go wrong with Angelina Jolie and a gun.

8: Indiana Jones. It was fun seeing old Indy on the screen but some choices like the George in the Jungle sequence are just bad. I enjoyed more than most, but Im fine if we never see Indy five.

7: Get Smart. Steve Carrell could easily be the next Leslie Nielsen.

6: Prince Caspian. Yeah this biggest surprise of the summer. Where I yawned after Lion Witch Wardrobe, this movie actually has pacing that is exciting. But can we just replace the entire cast for future installments?

5: X-files 2. You know what. It’s ok. to have a television episode on the big screen. Just don’t release it a week after Dark Knight. I really enjoyed the mystery slow feel of this return to Mulder and Skully. Too bad the box office will probably make it their last.

4: Hellboy 2. Oh Guillmero De Toro. You make the most awesome monsters. What Eye candy. can’t wait to watch this in High Definition.

3: Iron Man. Who knew that Tony Stark would be the hero of 2008? Awesome movie although I could do without the Iron Monger villian.

2: The Dark Knight. Near Perfection. Few instances in the script that made me cringe, but otherwise the best Batman movie ever. Sorry Tim Burton. It’s true.

walle0_.jpg1: Wall-E. True I went in wanting to like this movie. I like Pixar. But if you had asked me this spring how much, I could have easily put it down in the bottom half of this list. This movie is magic. The kind you forget movies can make. It’s smart, it’s fun and its just a pure spectacle the entire time it’s on the screen. An amazing triumph and may be my reason to upgrade to blu ray.


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