48 hrs.

past 48 hours what ive done. 2pm,monday beers and margaritas at Mickeys Irish pub, downtown iowa city. 4pm drunken walking around eventually home. We watch my life as a dog, and doggy poo(yes thats a real movie) It was a dog themed evening. afterwards i read this months issue of Black Book and turn off the light at 11am. Im up at 6am, to catch the bus to work. our car is in the shop. I work from 7:45 till about 4.30 and run to target to get christmas gifts, catching the bus home at 5.30. I make spaghetti and we watch the greatest inventions of our time before watching my name is earl. Jason Lee is one funny dude. I play Turok Rage wars on the 64, I got it for a 1.69 and then play ssx tricky on the gamecube till 11pm. Get online until god knows when and crawl into bed. This morning I got up and walked the four-to eight miles to get the car at the autobody shop. $814 dollars down the drain. I could put out a 7″ for that money ouch! Pick up an used blade trinity on dvd for 4.98 and the second season of Forever Knight for 7.98 I vaguely remember this show but for 7.98 who cares? Got to the funny book store where I get Loveless # 2. If ever a comic deserved a R rating this one is it. It’s full of things that make you cringe, and not in the gross way. It’s just dirty. But I admit to enjoying it. Had lunch with Jessica at a pretty decent BBQ place but it’s not NC BBQ. Now Im here typing for you. I will go watch Lost tonight, and celebrate Kill the Indians day tommorow. Have fun giving thanks.


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