
Well I finally made it to a day of Dragoncon and although it’s a little large for me, I think I’ve drunk the kool-aid and can’t wait to go back next year. I doubt we will ever vend at the show as it just seems a little overwhelming, but maybe after we get another year under our belts of just figuring out the layout of where everything is. I mean we only made it to 4 of the 5 hotels yesterday and of those we still only saw certain areas of the convention. Not that, that is a bad thing.
Spent most of the morning just wandering between hotels checking out the Walk of Fame and two of the three dealers rooms before heading into line to see William Shatner. I had seen him before but I was glad to get to hear him talk one more time. After Shatner we went to my favorite part of the show, the comics artist alley. Many great talents in that room and so much great stuff to look at. Went to the art show and I was excited when we ran into artist Todd Lockwoods table. He does the covers for the Drizzt series of books by R.A. Salvatore, my favorite fantasy series. I got a nice print of the cover of The Lone Drow all ready for framing.

We then headed to the Sheraton to catch the Ghost Hunters panel. It was funny and just another great experience of the day. After that we met up with a friend who lives in Atlanta for a chinese duck feast at Hsu’s a pricey but good Chinese place a block from the con.
Saying our goodbyes we ran back to the Marriot to catch the Battlestar Galactica cast in a q and a that ended with Edward Olmos leading the crowd in a loud SO SAY WE ALL Scream. Perfect way to end the day but we had one more mission in mind. We rode the awesome elevators all 43 floors to the top and got a great but a little high for me view of the Marriott.
All in all a great day and worth the crazy driving it took to get there. Next year we will be back, and can’t wait to add more days to our entertainment.


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