Steve Rude needs your help.

The above is a trailer for the Steve Rude documentary. I really want to see it now. I met Steve at the Midsouthcon about 6 years ago. He’s different than a lot of comic artists as he’s very very into sharing his skill and teaching and also into making art. I also have memories of my brother buying Nexus comics at the gas station when we were kids and me not really appreciating the storytelling in them and Rude’s great art till much later in life. Anyway, I’m writing because currently Steve is selling alot of original Nexus and other art on ebay to save his house. He has till November to do this. Its always sad to see an artist struggle so if you can afford to bid, please do, youll help an artist out of a jam, and get something nice in return.
Ebay auctions and other art on his website. Good luck Steve.


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