Greenville, SC

Jessica is going to Gordo, Al for a week to print like a madwoman, and she’s taking the train down there leaving early tommorow morning out of Greenville, SC, so we are heading down for a day of fun today. It’s funny all the cities we’ve been too all across this country and there is a whole lot in South Carolina that we have never explored. It’s always exciting to go on these little one day road trips. You get just enough of a taste of a place to lean one way or the other on your like or dislike, but you don’t usually exhaust your exploratory appetite for the city on such a short stint. It may look like all strips malls, downtowns, and sidewalks to some of you, but each city to me, has it’s own unique life, it’s own vibe. And for me, collecting that feeling, and enjoying it for the few hours your there is the only way to live.


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