Cirque Du Soliel’s Mystere.

So wed night in Vegas we went to see this Cirque show at Treasure Island. I admit i was aprehensive about paying so much for tickets, but it’s worth every penny and there are no bad seats in the house. we got the cheap seats but the action is visible no matter where you sit and there is so much visual entertainment going on that you can;t catch it all in one viewing. If you’ve never seen a cirque show before it’s a mix of dance, choregraphy, circus acts, and really crazy costumes. It’s larger in scale then anything you’ve ever seen before and probably will again. If we ever go to Vegas again I’m getting tickets to O, and Ka, and if they come though chicago with one of there traveling shows I’ll be going. The neat thing about a Vegas show is that the theatres which are multi million dollar venues are built just for them so they can incorporate a lot into the stages. Mystere had huge ceiling acts, a sinking and revolving stage and so much more. Truly a feast for the eyes and at moments very beautiful. If we had done nothing else in Vegas, (but as you can see we did plenty) this would have made the trip worth it.


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