Category Archives: Lucky Creature

One Cool Thing 7-25-2020 Saturday Sumo Fun

Sure, American Baseball came back this week to empty stadiums and there is something quite eerie about it even as it’s a little bit hopeful, but to me this is the cool sports thing for the week. Youtube user Sumo Natto’s channel is all about the Nagoya Basho taking place in Japan right now,

Grab a beer, and enjoy some Saturday Sumo action.

One Cool thing, What’s cool with you?


Telemetry out now!

Telemetry is a collection of poetry and short fiction I’ve written from 2014-2017. It was pretty important to me to collect these works and get them out into the world. A nice paperback version is available at Amazon here for 5.99.
There is also a kindle version available. ISBN for booksellers is ISBN-13: 978-1984042262 and
ISBN-10: 1984042262

Thanks so much for reading it, it means a lot.
