Monthly Archives: December 2011

Illogicon Programming is up.

You can see a draft of Illogicon’s programming here. I can tell you that some things will be moving as I know our Letterpress demo is actually Sunday morning at 10am.

You can find me all weekend in Artists Alley and on these panels.

Saturday Jan 14th, 200pm. Iron Artist Challenge
Sunday Jan 15th, 10am. Demo with Jessica on Letterpress printing.
Sunday Jan 15th 1pm. Scifi on Screen Panelist.

Looking forward to my first convention of 2012.



Just got the word that I will be returning to Columbia, SC next year from 3/31-4/1, 2012
for Nashicon. I’m back in the Artist Alley. The convention has moved to the convention center. Im getting pretty booked up for the spring so please write if you’d like me to attend one of your shows.
