Monthly Archives: June 2010

Balloon Head guy & Jackie

This is one of my dearest friends Jackie Witkowski and a Balloon Head Creature I made for her on an old Barnes & Noble Wall sign. The creature and Jackie reside in Coralville, IA and I miss her daily. Send me your photo history at

Extending the family tree one more spot. Follow Jackie’s twitter HERE


Photo History 1

From Brendan O’Donnell aka Howlround even though he’s not in this picture (and I’m more interested in pictures of all you), this has to be from The Corner, Greenville, NC circa 2001? I guess T-shirts over long sleeves were in. And Texas is The Reason! Love that band. I look youngish.
Send me your stuff, even if it’s just you and a picture of something I had a part in, to

And let’s start the family tree here, visit Brendan’s site HOWLROUND CLICK HERE


I want your photos.

Do you have one of our cd’s, (even as far back as Exercises?) 7″‘s, posters, comics, advertisements, creature paintings, t-shirts, buttons, hand written notes/ doodles/ zines, photos of us causing mischief together, etc? If so I want to see them. Here’s the deal. Take a photo of you with the item, send them to me at, with a link to your site (business, blog, twitter,) whatever you want linked. I’ll post them here with a link to your site. I know there’s some crazy stuff out there, can’t wait to see what you send in.


e3 day two.

The 3DS. With Kid ICARUS! Every game in development for the 3ds here Pretty Impressive list. I’ll buy one to replace my old PHAT. Yeah, I still play on a gen 1 ds.

Zelda Skyward Swords. The last game, actually the only game that had me not switch between systems was Twilight Princess. Can’t wait for more console Link.

Goldeneye remade for the Wii. Cool. Donkey Kong returns, and last years Metroid Other M.

Sony Didn’t really show me anything I must have, not sold on the move yet, so I guess surprisingly Nintendo stole the show for me at least.


E3 day one thoughts

The ESPN/ Microsoft Partnership may be the coolest thing I saw all day. If I can watch my Pirates on ESPN3 on the xbox instead of my computer in HD, then I’m there in a second.

Not a big fan of what was shown for Kinect so far. Looks like they haven’t targeted much to their core audience, which in my opinion is a major mistake. Otherwise you can just stick with a Wii. UPDATE: UBISOFT is releasing a semisequel to classic REZ for both KINETIC and PSMOve. I will want that so lets see what PS has in other games before choosing either.

Gears 3 looks sick, but it is my favorite modern game series.

Otherwise the MS presser was a yawnner for me as I’m way passed bored with Call of Duty and Halo. Bring up the hype tommorow Nintendo and Sony.
