Monthly Archives: April 2010

Ghostbuster Peas shirts available for one month only!

So I have reopened my Cafe Press store in order to offer a limited edition design for shirts, mousepads, notebooks, and cards. I plan on changing the image monthly and once the image is taken down, it wont go back up. Since I don’t expect these to sell like fire or anything, you’ll probably end up with a pretty limited edition piece of clothing. This image comes from Peas Page 96 in which the Peas took on Stay Puft. I’m getting my cheap 12.99 Value t-shirt, but if you prefer a hat, it’s there too. Lucky Creature at Cafe Press



The Crazy cool artwork of Tadanori Yokoo over at io9 is bizarre.

Going to see the Swell Season at the Orange Peel May 20th.

The first two episodes of the New Doctor Who have aired. I really like Matt Smith as the Doctor, which is strange in a small way since I thought David Tennant would always be the reason I liked the show. Anyway BBC America airs the first episode this coming Saturday April 17th, with a marathon of David Tennant episodes before hand if your new to the show.

First day of vacation, we ate at the delicious Laughing Seed which is superb for the vegetarians in your life, stopped by Comic Envy to browse the geekery, and then traded in books at Mr. K’s where I got this gem,

from 1963. I’m sure these stories will be winners in the political correctness column. Time to batten down the hatches and get to work.
Look for more paint later.
