Monthly Archives: May 2009

Black Bolt and Celebration!

The great king Black Bolt of the awesome marvel comic The Inhumans sits for one of my portraits. Of course I couldn’t get him far away from his wife Medusa and her red hair kept getting in the picture. I love the Inhumans and the Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee run on the group is always a good read. Also stopping by for a picture today was this Celebration creature who had some party to go to. Get them both at Etsy


Three New Creatures

Three new creatures made and ready at Etsy
I made an original in Tomato Head and two takes on DC comic characters. As much of a Marvel guy as I am, the simplicity of the DC designs go well with my limited talent range. I used to love the Flash because of that cheesy 80’s TV show, and have since grown to love the Mark Waid comics from the mid nineties. The Sinestro Corps on the other hand is just because the whole concept that the one thing that can hurt the Green Lantern is the color yellow, is just awesome if a bit absurd. I had to paint him. Get em before there gone.

Update. Sinestro Corps Creature and Flash sold.


Peas Page 95

This weeks Peas is for everyone punching the clock. It’s all worth it if you get your passion in at the end of the day, in this case, Pea likes to dance. But then on the next day you just zombie your way on.


General Chang and Cobra Commander!

General Chang is based on the Klingon from Star Trek Six played by the wonderful Christopher Plummer, and he is so full of great shakespeare lines throughout that movie that I couldn’t help but put him in creature form.
Cobra Commander on the other hand is just classic. This is his more traditional military suit. maybe one day I’ll paint the crazy eyes Cobra Commander.
Both can be seen in larger form at Etsy

UPdate: Both sold. Thanks for looking.


Wolverine Review.

The Good. Hugh Jackman. Nice opening title sequence. Gambit actually worked for me, and I liked Dominic Monaghan’s character. The locations. The Pacific Northwest looks great on film.

The Bad.
Almost everything else. If your going to have a story that really butchers the comics, then at least have the decency to spend money on the special effects. Some of it was just awful. There is no excuse anymore for being able to tell when someone’s on a blue/green screen and there were many many scenes that looked awful. And then the terrible cameo with really bad ‘young’ make up. Really?
And the brother on brother fight scenes every ten minutes. Who cares after the first five fights. Really?
And aren’t guys in Fat suits for comedy, like so Austin Powers 3? And it wasn’t funny then.
If you haven’t gone yet, save your money and go see Star Trek next week instead, for better special effects, better story and an altogether better movie experience.


Star Trek: a rambling non spoilery review.

If you like Star Trek, you’ll most likely like this movie. If you like summer movies, you’ll love Star Trek. Trek as directed by JJ Abrams looks better than any previous incarnation of Trek. It feels so fast and smooth and well acted that you really don’t want it to end. The music is amazing and bombastic, the scenes meld together flawlessly and there is not a grey boring ship to be seen. I have some problems with parts of the script that seem to be forced in to please the fans (and to make the movie work) but they are minor quibbles compared to the overall journey this film takes you on.
In much the way Batman Begins rebooted the Batman franchise, Star Trek does the same. The one major problem is we now all have to wait two years to see if Abrams can follow up with his own Dark Knight. I guess that is a small problem to have.
Don’t arrive to the movie late. The first ten minutes are up there with the best cinema we could have on the big screen. And throughout the movie there are just shots that you want to pause and stare at in their big screen glory. Some of them are just so iconic, I can see them being burned into our brains for a long time. I already can’t wait for the blu ray to do just that.
The cast is perfect. Simon Pegg as Scotty and Karl Urban as Bones in particular are beyond good. Eric Bana’s villian is passible but they will need some kind of better nemesis for the sequel (assuming you all go see this, which you should).
I’m in love with Star Trek again, and yet, I think this is something you could love without ever liking any previous incarnation which is a tremendous feat.
A plus plus.
I’ll see it again opening weekend. See you there!
