Monthly Archives: June 2008

someone tell tecmo

That your camera on the ninja gaiden 2 demo is awful. Its like a throback to the playstation one. ruins what could be a great game. but i wont find out. because I cant see enemies who are attacking me. bad bad. and a little lazy. o.k. game rant over.


House of Duras ‘blood in my hair’ free album

beauty2.jpg We have been on a roll lately at luckycreature and decided to give something back. Now whether its torture or not is the true question. these our some of my musical tinkerings from 2006 to early 2007 that I just can’t see doing anything with so you might as well have them for free. Doggy is very funny and bedroomsong1 is about as close as youll get to hearing me play exercises in breathing music at this point in my life. Id rather paint and play video games. but alas enjoy or not. it doesn’t matter because it’s free. house of duras. blood in my hair


old band photo #3

lots.jpgclick on the picture to see collider, sorry about dresden and jostle. i do not remember this show at all and I saw sorry about dresden or played shows with them so many times i can’t recall if this was an exercises in breathing show or not?


Whose in so far?

Lucky Creature Attacks #3 will stop accepting submissions come July 31st. Whose in so far?

Ray Succre, with three awesome poems.

Brendan Odonell with a great story.

Jessica White letterpress covers and maybe more.

Zakarya Anwar with another great story.

Rodolfo Buscaglia with amazing comics.

And then theres me and other people who have things coming but which I haven’t said yes too yet. Its shaping up to be a great issue and theres still room for you!


Final Call for submissions to Lucky Creature Attacks #3

Call for Submissions: This is our final call for entries.
We are accepting submissions for next years edition of Lucky Creature Attacks from now until July 30th, 2008. We are looking for comics, short stories, poetry, illustrations and all kinds of creative material to be included in our yearly anthology. After talking to many of our artists we have changed the size for the issue to the standard zine size of 8 inches long by 4″ wide. An easy way to see what space you have to work with is to fold a 8 1/2 by 11″ sheet of paper in half and theres your page. No Bleed will work with our printing situation. There is no minimun or maximum page count for submissions. Stories can be as short or as long as required to tell the story.
All accepted entries receive copies of the book. issue three will have letterpress covers by our friends at Heroes and Criminals Press. There is no pay involved but free copies for all the participants.
All questions, submissions, and other intrests should be sent to
Winning Entries will be contacted no later than August 1st, 2008 with publication to follow in fall of 2008.
For more on Lucky Creature please visit our homepage
