Monthly Archives: April 2008

kinda sluggish

I’ve been meandering for about a day now, no real focus. Have chores to do today so hopefully that will help. Started painting again on Sunday which was nice. Tiny little 3 x 3 paintings. It looks like the sun is finally breaking. I hope it decides to stick around longer than a week this time.
Currently Reading: The Insult//Spider Woman:Origin.
Currently playing. Devilsh (DS), Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii) Pinball Hall Of Fame: Williams (PS2)
Currently watching: Big Love Season 2.


Who knew? You can spend a day in Cedar Rapids.

So we just got home from Cedar Rapids. We left this morning with thoughts of being home for dinner. We started at CSPS, a neat gallery space in the mostly empty ‘Arts District’ of Cedar Rapids and hit a Gallery up the road as well.
We had a great lunch at a Vietnamese Resturant on 8th Ave. Nothing like a bowl of Pho on a cold day. Then we headed for downtown Marion where we lost track of time looking at Antiques and getting some Yummy chocolates. Stopped by Alter Ego and procured some half off trades, and then ventured into Collins Roads Theatres to see Jumper. Pretty enjoyable flick actually. Headed across town for CiCi’s for way too much pizza and stopped by the dead mall known as Westdale to walk off the buffet before heading home. Fun day off in Cedar Rapids. Who Knew?


Monthly call for submissions with updated size info

Call for Submissions:
We are accepting submissions for next years edition of Lucky Creature Attacks from now until July 30th, 2008. We are looking for comics, short stories, poetry, illustrations and all kinds of creative material to be included in our yearly anthology. After talking to many of our artists we have changed the size for the issue to the standard zine size of 8 inches long by 4″ wide. An easy way to see what space you have to work with is to fold a 8 1/2 by 11″ sheet of paper in half and theres your page. No Bleed will work with our printing situation. There is no minimun or maximum page count for submissions. Stories can be as short or as long as required to tell the story.
All accepted entries receive copies of the book. issue three will have letterpress covers by our friends at Heroes and Criminals Press. There is no pay involved but free copies for all the participants.
All questions, submissions, and other intrests should be sent to
Winning Entries will be contacted no later than August 1st, 2008 with publication to follow in fall of 2008.
For more on Lucky Creature please visit our homepage


The best summer movie lineup ever?

Well. Some of these will not be good. Somewhere one of these will be worse than it should be and some will be better than they should be, but this summer looks to be an complete thrill ride with only one weekend left open (because I am not going to see Sex and the City). Here goes a complete list of where Ill be spending my matinees this summer.
May 2nd. Iron Man. The drunk superhero movie!
May 9th Speed Racer. (This is a kids movie. But look at those special effects).
May 16th Prince Caspian. I was underwhelmed by the first movie but ill still go.
may 23rd. Indiana Jones. possibly the biggest summer movie of the year. Fingers crossed it lives up to the hype.
June 13th. The happening will get my money before the Incredible Hulk. M Night Shylaman is best when he is realistic and this story of bees dying is too real life to pass on. And yeah Ill see the Hulk but Id be surprised if its any good.
June 20th. Get Smart. Steve Carrell as agent Maxwell Smart. Sure thing.
June 27th Wall-E Pixar man come on. and maybe Wanted depending on the reviews.
July 4th Hancock. Ill be in Minnesota when this comes out but its Will Smith on July 4th. Something just feels right about that.
July 11th Hellboy 2. Why is this coming out a week before The Dark Knight. It really limits its audience.
July 18th see above. The DARK KNIGHT!!!!!
July 25th X-files 2. I just rewatched the first movie a couple months ago. What strikes me. It was really well shot for a mid nineties movie. lets hope the truth is still out there.
Wow what a fun summer Im going to have. And August has the freaking Star Wars Animated Movie (that leads into a series) and if we all know one thing, its lately that animated Star Wars are better than the live action ones.



today is aprils fools day. do not believe anything you read on the web today. Its always crazy to me when companies issue press releases on days named april 1st. they are just going to have to reconfirm the news tommorow.
