Monthly Archives: August 2007

movies and comics

Sunshine is a great old fashion scifi film for the first hour and a half, and then it becomes a weird horror film. Overall its pretty good and it’s nice to see a science fiction film that doesn’t rely on explosion after explosion. And Chris Evans can act. Should have never been in Fantastic Four.

New Warriors # 3 So much tech here, you have to wonder when Stark and his shield boys will come down hard on the group. Its a nice ride in the post civil war universe.

Sea Of Red finished the first two trades. One too go. Vampires and Pirates, can you go wrong much?


August Movies showdown

Oh August, the time of year when things shift from explosions to comedy to october’s horror/oscar movies, back to the new winter explosion season. Well theres not much better than Bourne when it comes to action so this is a nice way to start the month.

Then there is Neil Gaiman
s Stardust, This is the movie Matthew Vaughan left xmen 3 for and it looks so darn terry gilliam I can’t believe it.

The King of Kong is awesome documentary about Billy Mitchell and his competetion to be the best. At donkey kong. check out the trailer. you will want to see this.

And for our nonsense movie of the month, we could go with Superbad, or Rush Hour 3, but I think Christopher Walken seals it for us. Balls of Fury for sure.
