Monthly Archives: August 2007


Saw two movies this weekend. Both of them are o.k. for what they are but neither extremely outstanding. Stardust based on the book by Neil Gaiman is a wonderful throwback to the fantasy films of the 1980’s which relied more on story than the LOTR spectacles we have been hit with over the past few years. It plays pretty well and Robert Deniro is wonderful in his role. A pretty good movie that I can see being better with age.

Superbad on the other hand is a one off comedy that tries to capture the old American Pie formula which in itself was trying to capture the teen movies of the 1980’s. It succeeds at moments but it really doesn’t make you care about the leads at all. Mclovin and his cop friends steal the show and their moments are the best parts of the movie.



Loveless # 19. Wow. finally the story gets going again. I was slowly giving up on this book but not now. Tight story telling and the art is back at top form.

The Immortal Iron Fist. Hardcover collecting the first six issues. If you would have told me that in 2007 two of marvel’s coolest characthers would be Luke Cage and Iron Fist I would have laughed. Brian Bendis made Cage relevant again and this is what Matt Fraction and Ed Brubaker have done with Iron Fist. A must for any fan of Martial Arts comics.

Anders Nilsen’s Dogs and Water is sparse in it’s renderings and it’s pacing is almost dreamlike. He leaves alot for the reader to figure out and that is quite alright. One of the better indie books I’ve seen this year.


peas page 7 is up!

Part two of our mini pirate story is up. We are running seven weeks in a row. I am going to draw next week’s comic today. yipee! Look for a bunch of comic reviews either later today or tommorow. Peas Out!


Lucky News

We are about a week away from releasing the new his world/her world #8. it rocks. There are a few spots still left open in lucky creature attacks #2, the key word being few so if your interested get on board, now. I will be working on a top secret project the first week of september and hopefully it will launch that same week. Been very busy. hope all is well.


Bioshock demo wows.

This is how you make games as art. Make it still a game and yet add sooo much atmosphere, like the jazz and the posters and other things that you feel like your watching a movie. A really great movie. Granted I had really great hopes for this game to begin with, but after playing through it the only thing I can say is it’s very immersive. That freaking plane through the glass tunnel was awesome and the water effects are amazing. My only concern is that the game may end up being to hard for me. I did the demo on medium but I think I will play through it on easy when it hits retail. Id hate to end up missing the beauty of this world of rapture they’ve created because I was dying too much. Bioshock even though its not horror like the resident evils, it may truly be the game to scare me. It’s already pretty unnerving watching the Big Daddy’s and the little sisters. If the game lives up to the demo, we may have our game of the year out on Aug 21st.


of coasters and survival.

Jess made me a great coaster so that I wont risk ruining another keyboard with my unexplainable need to always have some form of drink around the computer at all times. Hopefully that tempers that. We completed two more pages of His World Her World tonight. It should be our best issue yet. So good in fact you may want to hide the pets and break out the sake to celebrate with us.
I’m heading to Anime Iowa this weekend to realize how old I am. Anime cons are the cons where you deal with people anywhere from 8 to well my age. Im old at this con and that’s just weird. But I’m o.k. with that, because it means Im the hip ‘old’ guy. UGHH… That was painful to write. That’s alright though because this year there is a track of panels for old anime. Meaning the stuff I actually remember and not Naruto, or Fullmetal. Stuff that came out before the internet and you paid twenty dollars for 30 mins of animation. What world were we living in when $20 seemed reasonible for an episode of Tenchi Muyo? On VHS? anyway this is my second trip to Anime Iowa and it’s only ten minutes down the road at the beautiful new Marriot. Bring the Pocky, Im ready.
