Monthly Archives: February 2007

Empire! Empire! (I was a lonely estate) CD

So I just received a copy of Empire! Empire! (I was a lonely Estate)’s debut cd “When the Sea Becomes a Giant”
It is very good stuff, and should please fans of mineral, and pretty much anyone who likes music. The band likes long song titles and names and everything just sounds very very good.
You can sample a few songs on their myspace page and the band tells me youll be able to order it around feburary 16th from . I’d recommend you all pick it up.

And remember members of this band appear on our compilation “our history and our future” in the band Sea Defeats Sparrow.


Fell is back!

Fell # 7 Image Comics 1.99 by Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith. Thank You Thank You Thank you. I miss the backmatter not being in this issue, but other than that I had no clue I like good cop stories so much. Maybe I don’t but heck if this isn’t my favorite comic. Now if it only came out more than once every three months. Aplus.

Loveless # 15. Vertigo/DC 2.99 Now here’s a comic that has kept it’s scheldule for a little over a year now. It’s still good, but with each issue I’m losing a bit of that shock factor that drew me in the first place. B-

So I got to see Lost in High Def last night for the first time. Ooohhh the Jungle is Green. I mean really really green.


upcoming mark schwaber shows

02/15/2007 09:00 PM – The Living Room
154 Ludlow St., New York, 10002 –
solo appearance at Googie’s Lounge, upstairs from the Living Room.

02/24/2007 07:00 PM – Iron Horse w/ WINTERPILLS
, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 –
solo appearance opening for the WINTERPILLS CD Release show.

03/08/2007 09:00 PM – The Sierra Grille
Strong Ave., Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 –
full band show w/ ABEJA

03/09/2007 09:00 PM – The Weathervane
Elliott St., Brattleboro, Vermont 05304 –
solo performance opening for FANCY TRASH

03/30/2007 09:00 PM – The Elevens
Pleasant St., Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 –
full band show w/ AUDREY RYAN

If your in the area these are some things you shouldn’t miss. COmic reviews will go up tommorow. Good Night


lost comes back

Lost comes back in 24 hours and I can say Im excited but not estatic. Somethings been off for me this season and its not quite as good. The Unit has started to drag me in. It’s very basic but just feels like a tom clancy movie. I’m actually looking more forward to Jericho’s return than Lost. Maybe it’s the feeling that it really isn’t going anywhere fast. Here’s hoping my HD Abc works tommorow, so I can see Hurley’s pores. ewwww gross.



Heck while were on the subject here’s the trailer for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters( actual title) Early screenings have been mostly negative but who cares? Aqua Teen is one of the best things Adult Swim has had and now with the added controversy I wouldn’t be surprised if this movie actually makes money and considering the budget that shouldn’t be that hard to do. Enjoy the trailer. In all its Lens Flare cheap photoshop glory.


Aqua Teen Ad is a Bomb Threat?

I just don’t get it? How could anyone think this was a bomb threat? What kind of idiots are living in boston? The fact that the police arrested the man who made this neon mooninite just blows my mind. If i had seen it I would have thought it was one of the coolest things ever. And hey Adult Swim just got more press than they have in their entire existance.
The Original article on Cnn can be found here
Really. I cant believe this is news. What a bunch of overreacting morons. Look the Mcdonalds sign lights up. We’re Screwed!
