Monthly Archives: July 2006

Left Bank Gang By Jason

The Left Bank Gang by Jason, Fantagraphics. Imagine Hemingway, Joyce, Pound, and Fitgerald were cartoonists and not writers. Imagine they all were friends in Paris. Imagine they were all broke as cartoonists usually are. Now Imagine Hemingway decides the group needs to rob a bank. Now I’m trying to imagine why you arent at the comic shop buying this right now. Jason’s work has never look more beautiful then when it’s colored by Hubert, and even though I miss his silent panel days the concept of this book is bettered by having words. A+++++ Highly Recommended.

Civil War frontline # 3 Alas Poor Speedball. She-Hulk. Great use of c-listers. B+


convergence 2006. wow!

O.k. I just got back from Convergence in Bloomington Minnesota, and gotta say this may be my favorite convention ever. but first a word about pirates, especially Mr. Johnny Depp

Went to see the sequel on friday night and it is really quite amazing how much better this second film is than the first one. All the actors have more to do here and Johnny Depp is still amazing as Captain Jack Sparrow. Well this was great start to my geek weekend, on with the show.

Got up at 3am on saturday and drove to the Sheraton South arriving at 8am. COuldnt register for the con till 9 so i wandered around unable to participate in anything but free to get a lay of the hotel. This is a pretty big con with alot of the panels in one tower of the room and the other side parties and consuites.

Started the day off by hitting the dealer room, got a firefly shirt for me and a Dharma logo shirt for Jess who opted out of this geek fest. Checked out the art auction which had some neat pieces but mostly out of my price range. Also bid on a few items in the silent auction, didnt win any. :<
Went to my first panel at 1100 We call it acting with my two favorite Klingons Robert O rReilly and J.G. Hertzler. I’ve seen these guys before in boston at a Slanted Fedora show, and they are pretty funny, and easily two of the nicest actors I’ve ever sat through a panel with. Good thing too because I went to see them on three different panels throughout the weekend, plus watched them rap, yes rap, at the masqeurade.
Some other panels I went to, were a lost one, battlestar galactica, star trek, serenity, dead fandoms, and a few more. The con excels at treating you well as the consuite always had food of some sort and soda. There was also a separate room, for espresso drinks which came in handy in the morning or late at night.

The Masquerade was by far filled with some of the most talented costumers, and entertainers I’ve seen, and I’ve seen alot. As I was laughing through pimp my ride, the british edition, I think I had an overwhelming sense of, I guess you could say joy. I don’t think I stopped smiling the rest of the evening. And why should I? There was the most well decorated, fully liqoured stock room parties in convention history. I was so drunk in say 1 hour that I even watched an episode of doctor whom to sober up. Favorite room parties were Wonka’s Night Out, Bacon, Galactic Geisha’s house of Tea, House of Toast, and The Terran Empire. All great, all different and all filling me with either food, or spirits. Luke Ski perfomed his usual hilarious comedy-fanboy rap rock and was enetertaining as always. What’s great about this con is it had so much going on that things I would normally spend alot of my time at a convention at that I barely entered here. A great film room in CInema Rex, which I didnt find time for, and Anime room, and a whole 22nd floor for gaming. I didnt even realize I barely watched any sci-fi until I was driving home. That’s a pretty great con, to keep me entertained for 48 hours, minus six for sleep. I’ll definetly be back next year. This time well armed for all you partiers.


happy fourth links.

hey everyone. happy fourth of july. some important links for ya.
our message boards/forums are back up. you can post whatever nonsense you want there. talk about our releases, talk about your drinking problem, your band or anything you want to really. You can find the forums HERE

Another important link for ya is Jessica’s zine machine which is located in the University of Iowa Libary and contains some really cool zines from all over the country. check it out at

cool? alright. lets see some nonsense posted on the forums.


wii dated?

So various reports have been coming in for a while and more and more of them point to a Wii Launch date on November 6th. It’s a monday, which would suck for me because I have to be at work every monday morning, so no waiting in lines in the cold for me, I guess, unless of course there is a midnight sale. This would put the little machine that could, launcing a week before the monster that is the overpriced 600 dollar PS3. If i can warn everyone don’t buy a PS3 on launch. Sony is trying to screw you. They will drop the price of this system before any amazing games hit. They basically know that at $600 they will still sell out of their limited supply before Christmas, because we are crazy enough to pay that much. Buy a 200 Wii for now, and maybe a 360 if you need the graphics thing, and then wait about a year for the PS3 to drop in price if you must have it. Do not give in to $600 dollars. You could pay for alot of other goodness with that kind of money.
I guess were all in the thick of summer. I’m going to go sit in front of the air conditioner.
