Monthly Archives: April 2006

Ricky Gervais & Patrick Stewart

So You TUbe is quickly becoming a site I am going to way too much but it’s really neat, Today someone linked me to an episode of Ricky Gervais extras starring Patrick Stewart and it’s hilarious. The Office was a brave new step for television comedy and I can’t wait to see more of the Extra shows once they come to DVD here in the states. Anyway if you want to laugh at Patrick Stewart being a perverted old man here you go



So last night a tornado or a series of tornado’s came through iowa city. About two blocks from our house which luckily is fine, is a row of houses that i don’t think anyone we be living in again. We went walking downtown after the storm and of course thousands of college kids were out wandering around as well. downtown suffered some damage as well and it will be interesting to see which buildings will have to be torn down. Luckily as bad as it was no deaths have been reported and we got our power back late this morning. Now I just have to figure out how to navigate the closed streets to work today. I feel lucky again but also very sad for everyone who lost something in this storm. I am glad everyone is o.k. and thats what is really important.



Only picked up Loveless # 6 today at the comic store. Still loving it. This issue focused soley on Atticus and gave him some much needed background. Lost tonight. last new episode till may. Also been watching steven spielbergs miniseries Taken on dvd. it’s very high quality surprised I was never interested in it before. Just goes to show no matter how big of a geek you are you can’t catch all the good stuff.
Playing Chaos Field (gamecube) and Mario Kart (online on the ds). holding my breath for the ps3 price announcement and whether i will be able to afford one this decade and can’t wait to buy a revolution this fall. About halfway through reading the kite runner. It’s a doozy and a very very good novel. The new Rainer Maria has me singing now. and that’s a wonderful thing.


red steel! first revolution screens surface.

Ok fellow blogger and gamer el moco posted scans of next months game informer with the very first nintendo revolution screens for Ubi Softs Red Steel. As you can tell from the screen you will hold your gun out with the revolution controller and can turn it ghetto style to shoot if you so wish. All the talk about how the revolution’s graphics wont hold up to Xbox 360’s can probably be silenced now. I mean doesn’t this look good enough to your everyday gamer? How good does it need to look? I’m sorry Microsoft, I think your flawed, still not shipping enough units machine just got pawned by Nintendo. And you know what? Sony’s PS3 is just around the corner too. Go back to breaking computers with Windows. Yeah I’ve become a Nintendo fanboy, but hey the DS was a step in the right direction for gaming, please bring on the Revolution.


spring is coming.

yep. it’s starting to warm up. for most of you , my friends to the south, it’s already warm, but here the skies are just now turning into thunderstorms, ushering in the new weather. I’m ready to go exploring, to see what the small towns of Iowa say to me, what they want to teach me about life here. It’s time for another adventure. Any chance I get to explore, and to see something unique. I’ve been thinking about how winter can collapse around us, keep us huddled inside watching movies and drinking hot chocolate, and sure that’s nice too, but my feet were made for walking sidewalks, and their ready to make fresh paths. to meet the world.


Marcel Dzama goes plastic

so that’s a picture of sea snake one of six figures in Marcel Dzama’s Uzama “monsters of winnipeg folklore” action figure line produced by Cereal Art, that jess picked up in Vegas. The other six figures are Uzama, Cloudinus, Evil Ugolinor, Tree Man, Xenophaner. The packaging reminds me of old star wars figures, and it serves it’s purpose nicely. Glady he didn’t go with the blind packaging which would have made it very hard to even try to get a complete set. As art toys go these at least move but there obviously using rip off star wars or gi joe molds with different heads. Jess got them on sale at Fao Shwartz so if your one of the few lucky people who still have one of there stores you can get the entire set for around 40$ thats a steal when Giant Robot is selling them at $20 each online. If you can’t afford a Marcel Dzama drawing and who can , then one of these figures will be cheaper than even buying one of his books, and they even come with a little book of his drawings inside.


It’s nice outside! let’s read comics!

so we went to see mama mia last night. I have to admit I’m not a fan of ABBA so that may have swayed my opinion but I think the play is done well, composed well but the story isn’t really all that good. And isn’t theatre supposed to tell a story? I’ll give it a B for the talent and the stage production but after seeing Avenue Q and Sweeney Todd, this play just didn’t do as much for me. Sorry ABBA Fans. O.k. It’s comic book day.

Moon Knight # 1 I grew up reading the 80’s version of this characther when i had an extra 1.25 and there were no New X-Men books on the shelf. Moon Knight was always cool, and I’ve always liked the Marvel B characthers better. Heck I read all 75 issues of New Warriors and most of the Alpha Flight run. When I found out they were redoing Moonie it caught my eye but I was sold when they announced David Finch would be doing the art. He sold me on New Avengers and this book could be amazing if they keep the pacing up. I really think Moon Knight could be Marvel’s Batman, I give the first issue and A+

Also picked up the Annihilation Prolouge for my earlier statement about the New Warriors. Nova! The story seems great but did anyone else think Kolins artwork was a bit, well awful? Im glad he’s not doing the Nova series which is the only one I think I’ll pick up right now. I also like Drax a lot, think I’ll have to check out that trade of his recent miniseries.

Jessica picked up the new Giant Robot which is always fun and this…

Strangetown #1 by Chynna Chugston. Oni Press. Chugston created the Blue Monday series and my favorite of hers, Scooter Girl, and this story takes place in Grangeton, Oregon, and it has all the charm of her ealrier work with a bit of mystery thrown in. Her characthers are overly caffeinated youthful caricatures that just work. I think she is one of the few true American Magna artists, because it reads like magna, but with our cultural influences which is definetly nice.
It says it’s a irregulary published ongoing series. Let’s hope it doesn’t go the Optic Nerve route and only come out once every couple of years. Wooh lot’s of comic reviews. sorry about that. let’s go watch lost.


lovesick discography

Just received my copy of the Lovesick discography put out by Harlan Records yesterday and I am enjoying it a lot. The cd has something for everyone who was a fan of the band as it collects 33 songs, everything the band did except the last Makoto album. The earlier songs are more intense than the later ones, more filled with energy and enthusiasm. Favorites on the disc are When if not now? repeat the sounding joy, meet me at midnight. These are songs you can step to, and shake your hands in the air. Pure emotion. You can order it online from my favorite label Polyvinyl, thats where I got mine. enjoy.
