Monthly Archives: December 2005

a post about nothing.

saw finding neverland last night. it was good but i don’t see what all the oscar buzz was for last year. anyway it feels like summer with all the movies coming out. saw harry potter on friday and can’t say it was amazing or anything. hope to see syriana, king kong and narnia this week and then memoirs of a geisha whenver it gets here. too many movies for the winter season but isn’t this supposed to be oscar time and not summer blockbuster time?
Read volume two of Astonishing X-men. Cassady’s art is great and Joss Whedon just writes characthers so very well. The Villian was kind of dumb but it did not matter., There’s on three panel page with wolverine and one caption that makes the entire book worth reading. I’m going to buy this book monthly starting in january. So my small pull list is New Avengers, Fell, Infinite Crisis, Astonishing X-men and Loveless. too bad they don’t come out on any real monthly scheldule.
music. lately been listening to alot of old stuff, still life, moonraker, monochrome, dancing punk stuff.
oh well, to work for me.


optic nerve #10

If you have never read Adrian Tomine’s Optic Nerve then shame on you. It is essential to be a hip indy kid. I read that in a review somewhere. But seriously even though it takes him about two years between 32 page issues(i owned my bookstore and have moved to two states since the last one) this is as good as it gets. Tomine is the relationship and life guy as far as comics go. His art is smooth and sensible and the line is crisp. Number 10 is part two of a three parter and it is the angst ride and forlorning we expect in every issue of Optic Nerve, Tomine’s art is changing and I think for the better but the storytelling is tight, and something so simple like an awkrawd kiss is captured here perfectly. If your someone who says comics can’t be literature, then I say to you read this and name a better short story published this year. You’ll be hard pressed.

just watched christian bale in the machinist. that skinny dude is batman? crazy


milemarker,lords, saviours, show reviews

Wow, I guess metal is back, The Saviours out of Oakland, Ca opened the show with five long completely orchestrated metal songs. It was tight musically and yes very loud. Local band Humans follwed and they were bright happy jangly pop. Then the lords came on stage. I had heard so many good things about this band I wasn’t sure what to expect. They blast through their metal with insane speed and ambition and had me dancing for the first time in a while.

Finally Milemarker came on. I first saw Milemarker way back in chapel hill around 1998. They were a three piece then and they played your basic post hardcore stuff. I then later opened for them in 2000 at the greenville hardcore fest when they were a crazy 5-6 piece. They’ve retained that mass ensemble thing even though many of the members are different. Their set was good as they blasted through their anthems and they had two drummers playing pretty much in unison through the entire show. pretty neat stuff for the cold winter night.



i’m tired. physically, emotionally, tired. I don’t sleep anymore, I’m tired during the days but when i lay my head down at night i don’t fall asleep. I just lay there ready for more. And yet at the same time I’m not THAT tired. I’m excited about the doors opening and closing around me. I want to go out. I want to meet new people, and old ones again, I want to stay up all hours watching movies, or just playing games with a friend. I like this feeling of my eyes barely open as i type because I’m running on three, maybe four hours sleep. I miss being tired. I miss watching my friends pour themselves another drink, I miss watching the couples, and the people who move in and out of our lives, I miss having a late night snack for no reason except that you don’t want to go home yet. I think I’d brave anything just to be with all of you, out on a porch on a summer night, watching the stars go down, ready for more.
always ready for more.


my brain, my sane brain

things running through my brain.
kate from lost=joss whedon’s wonder woman?
Aqua teen hunger force vol 4 dvd Tuesday! but i’m not getting it until after christmas,
serenity and battlestar galactica vol 2 out dec 20th!

Bryan Singer wants to make a star trek film! oh my xmen, then superman, then logans run and now he wants to make star trek! heck yeah!
The pirates of the carribean 2 trailer is out! check it!

work sucks but you already knew that. two snowfalls and im already tired of it. southerner at heart
im glad im not interested in the new xbox, would be pretty mad if i bought a broken one.
6 c-usa teams going bowling.
texas versus usc for the national championship. 2 teams i don’t like but that is one heck of a football game., cant wait to pull out a pizza and watch it.
writing new songs on garageband. they are pretty bad.
new his world her world issue out. nice cover by jessica.
boulevard wheat beer from kansas city is pretty darn good.
the color orange.
artificial heat.
waiting for the window inside the car to defrost. yes the inside of the glass. frozen
thinking of others and then remembering yourself and being selfish.
wondering why anyone would buy a calendar from chick fil a.
playing astro boy
christmas lights



do you think we leave echoes? I first thought about this when i was home visiting my family a couple of years ago and i was expecting my cat to come running down the stairs at any moment, even though i Knew she was back in Massachusettes. But since we had lived in that apartment before it just felt natural that she should be there. I keep thinking about people that I may never see again and I wonder if they have left an echo in my brain that certain sights and sounds can trigger. You know how sometimes there’s someone you pretty much forgotten and then one day out of the blue your smiling about a memory of them? It’s strange and eerie, because it’s almost like remebering someone who has passed away, even though these people aren’t dead. I wonder if I’ve left any echoes, any footprints on any of you, and if there good ones or bad ones? And what happens to those echoes that make you forget them as soon as your mind has wandered elsewhere?

we had our first full snow last night and i’m inside playing astro boy for the gameboy, and going to watch dawn of the dead(the remake) later. I’m ready to go out in the snow, but it’s easier to stay warm inside. And by the way I’m all for Al La Carte Cable. my chanel lineup would be the Espn networks(for college sports), comedy central(for jon stewart), scifi(battlestar Galactica), cartoon(aqua teen Hunger Force, toonami), and I’d get TLC for Jess. worse case scenario say thats five bucks a channel, id much rather pay 25 for that than 50 for all that crap i’ll never watch. Hope congress presses this issue, cause I want me some Cable!
