Category Archives: Games

for my birthday

I got this awesome stuff for my birthday, plus a yupo board and color sharpies to draw with, some new socks, huckleberry jelly beans. yah! i’m 28. feels like not a day over 16.


high speed.

i just got high speed. i got to say, i feel like a mutant leaving the dark ages. wow. i can do so much more now. which means i can bug you all sooo much more. curently watching all the videos on you tube dealing with east carolina football. i can watch the games this year! awesome!


wii dated?

So various reports have been coming in for a while and more and more of them point to a Wii Launch date on November 6th. It’s a monday, which would suck for me because I have to be at work every monday morning, so no waiting in lines in the cold for me, I guess, unless of course there is a midnight sale. This would put the little machine that could, launcing a week before the monster that is the overpriced 600 dollar PS3. If i can warn everyone don’t buy a PS3 on launch. Sony is trying to screw you. They will drop the price of this system before any amazing games hit. They basically know that at $600 they will still sell out of their limited supply before Christmas, because we are crazy enough to pay that much. Buy a 200 Wii for now, and maybe a 360 if you need the graphics thing, and then wait about a year for the PS3 to drop in price if you must have it. Do not give in to $600 dollars. You could pay for alot of other goodness with that kind of money.
I guess were all in the thick of summer. I’m going to go sit in front of the air conditioner.
