Category Archives: 360

new psp and my thoughts on gaming now.

Been fooling around with my new PSP lite. Im pretty pleased so far. Haven’t had the chance to use the TV out yet since Im going to get those cables on Tuesday but everything is pretty shiny. The PSP like the DS just seems more fluid for me than the home consoles. I guess it’s a lot about the time you have to spend gaming. Just this morning I put in Darkstalkers and blew through the arcade mode in twenty minutes. It was fun, short and I won’t mind doing it again. Better than fifty odd hours blasting repetivite gangsters on a home console for sure. It seems most of my enjoyment is nostalgia driven as my list for psp games are basically all collections of eighties games and loco roco. And Im not even participating in the thriving homebrew scene for the PSP. And then on Xbox I basically just play the arcade games from my youth. Like Worms which was fine when it was on a 100 SNES and has no reason to need the power of the 400 360 Im playing it on now minus being online. Should Game companies be worried that more and more ‘casual’ games take up our time? You could go Nintendo’s route and go mini game crazy but that might be taking it to far. I havent hit the power button on my Wii since March when I finished Super Paper Mario. That probably makes all of you scrounging to get one pretty mad. I love the Wii but refuse to play what’s being released for it at the moment. With success hopefully there will still be some hardcore games coming our way. They don’t have to be epic, just not made for four year olds. Don’t get me wrong. There’s still great original games coming out. Bioshock just last week blew me away and Im gearing up for Eternal Sonata. We just need a little more freshness. And a little less rehash. O.k. Done ranting. Anyone want to play Worms?


Game Audio.

Playing through Bioshock, I’m amazed at the amount of detail being etched into these imaginary worlds. As good as the graphics are and the big daddy’s scare, where Bioshock really succeeds is in the audio department. When you hear a lady screaming down the hall, or a moan from around the corner it really sends chills up your spine. That and the jazz that comes on randomly throughout just amps the tension to 11. Im only about six hours in, and from what I’ve heard Im close to one of the major twists in the game. So far I’m not just looking at the game of the year, but also the Oscars for sound design and cinematography. It’s too bad Hollywood would only butcher this adaptation.


Bioshock demo wows.

This is how you make games as art. Make it still a game and yet add sooo much atmosphere, like the jazz and the posters and other things that you feel like your watching a movie. A really great movie. Granted I had really great hopes for this game to begin with, but after playing through it the only thing I can say is it’s very immersive. That freaking plane through the glass tunnel was awesome and the water effects are amazing. My only concern is that the game may end up being to hard for me. I did the demo on medium but I think I will play through it on easy when it hits retail. Id hate to end up missing the beauty of this world of rapture they’ve created because I was dying too much. Bioshock even though its not horror like the resident evils, it may truly be the game to scare me. It’s already pretty unnerving watching the Big Daddy’s and the little sisters. If the game lives up to the demo, we may have our game of the year out on Aug 21st.


Anyone care to train me?

I really like Bomberman Live. 8 players doing nothing but blowing each other up. And it’s so cute that I always find it funny when people with gears of wars gamertags are playing it. Both games your mission is to kill, but you couldn’t find two farther examples of killing than Bomberman’s cute I win! to the chainsaws of Gears. Anyway, point is I suck at Bomberman Live. Havent won one silly tournament. I need to get better or the enjoyment will seriously wane. I need a trainer, are you up to the challenge?


E-3 Microsoft demos

A bunch of new demos are up on Marketplace because of E3.
I really enjoyed the NCAA demo of course and can’t wait till Tuesday to buy the full game. I am not a fan of the Stuntman Ignigtion demo as that type of gameplay just feels restricted and kind of boring. Full Auto seems much better suited for that type of gameplay and even that was boring.
Ace Combat six seems like a great airplane game. Too bad I suck at flying so much that it isn’t even worth my time.
Then theirs Blue Dragon a game I had high hopes for but it looks kind of bland and I think I’ll just wait for Eternal Sonata which I’ve already sung it’s praises and maybe pick up BD sometime next year when it hits bargain prices. So demos are good but the only one that really wowed me was the one i was going to get anyway and that’s NCAA. hopefully we will get some more before the week is out.


Why i love my 360… LIVE ARCADE!

O.k. when I got my Wii I was so excited for the new way to play and Zelda was freaking fantastic. I broke down a while later and got a 360 for all the fancy graphics and larger style games. Guess what? I’ve only been playing the old games availble through the download service Live Arcade. And it is Awesome. Playing TMNT arcade again with four other people is great. Playing a bout of worms for world domination? Great. Playing UNO. Werid but great.
And this wenesday MS is giving us a free sidescrolling 2-d shooter Aegis Wing that up to four people can play at once. Im in love with a service and its LIve Arcade. It’s sad because as much promise as the Wii’s Virtual COnsole had/has the lack of online really is killing some of the multiplayer classics.


o.k. how do i find the time?

games im currently playing through single player.
burnout revenge 360
super paper mario wii
viewtiful joe ds(about to quit)
Ninja Gaiden(xbox)
final fantasy 9 ps1 (never going to finish this so why bother?)
punch out Wii VC
kid icarus wii vc
bejeweled 2 360

And online multiplayer
Gears of War(360)
Street Fighter 3 3rd strike(Xbox live)

games in the que line,
Worms xbox arcade,
castlevania symphony of night xbox arcade
donkey kong country wii vc,
bust a move bash wii
st legacy 360.

man i need time away from gaming in order to play some games!


got a 360

so i bit the bullet got a 360. will get online with it tommorow. my gamertag is of course luckycreature. so if you know me add me as a friend please. Cant believe i gave microsoft the money. oh well all im doing right now and probably for a while is playing demos. anyone reccomend any good ones?
