Category Archives: Conventions


Another appearance added to this years calendar, and this one is only a few weeks away. Jessica and me will be in the Artist Alley at Rob-Con in Bristol, VA on July 16th. Ill be painting creature commissions all day long. The event is on the upper floor of the Bristol Mall, so you can do your muggle shopping after the show. See you there.



Had a great time at Heroescon yesterday. To me this is the Comic Book Convention. There are no B celebrities like at Wizard World. No Wrestlers of any kind. It’s about the comics. And the wealth of talent on the show floor makes it the place for comic fans of all tastes. You can go to this show with less than an hundrend bucks and come home with some amazing artwork. Or you could save your money throughout the year and come home with a gallery. The point is, if you like comics and comics arts, this is the show for you. About half the room is dealers so if your fandom is the digging through bins passion then there is more than enough of that for you here as well.

One of the highlights for me was seeing James Silvani and buying that awesome Darkwing Duck ‘Terror’ print from him. It’s already on my wall. Other purchases included comics from many of the indie artists, a five dollar Doctor Who trade, Y the last Man deluxe #4 and a Coyote Ragtime Show Box set.

On a personal note we have made many friends as we do many of the smaller shows across the area, and it really becomes one of the nice things about this convention. Catching up with old friends.
This is Mike Sudduth, who is really talented and just one of the many friends we saw at the show yesterday.

Heroescon rocks. If you live on the east coast, or can afford the plane ticket, make the trip next year. The dates are June 22nd-24th, 2012. Oh and look for us in Artist Alley. If we can get a table, we will be there.


Weekend ahead.

Tommorow night going out to Xmen First Class. Super excited for the film. It’s funny I dreaded it when they announced it, but now I can’t wait. Heading to Heroescon in Charlotte on Saturday. Gonna see a bunch of amazing artists and some of our friends while there. My dad visits Sunday, so our first weekend back looks to be super full. See some of you in Charlotte!


The Big Crafty

Just wanted to write and tell you that I’ve been accepted into this July’s Big Crafty in Asheville, NC at Pack Place center. I’ve done the show a few times helping Jessica with her table, but this will be the first time I’ll have my artwork for sale at the show. I’m sharing a table with Jessica. Super excited. See you all on July 10th from 12-6. Its free to attend so come on out and buy some stuff. The Big Crafty webpage here.


Shevacon 20

Super excited to announce that we are returning as guests to Shevacon next February the 17th-19th, 2012. We had a great time there last year running Jessica’s letterpress demo, and doing the Iron Artist, and can’t wait to return to Roanoke. Some of their Guests of Honor include Jeremy Bulloch, Robert Axelrod, Timothy Zahn, and Randy Martinez. See you there, Shevacon



Had a good time at the Columbia Anime Con this weekend. Here’s the creatures I made,

Creature Vertigo. Final creature painting I made this weekend, will go on etsy soonish. It was time for the spiky hairs to return.

Saw five or six kids with this Naruto costume on, so why not. Etsy soon.

Did this Owlet for the artists next to us all weekend. It’s from their comic Super Zero High, their website is Mourning Daily if you want to check em out.

Mickey Mouse. In a suit.

Wood Man from Mega Man. Classic 8-bit wonder.

Gir & Zim. SOLD at the show. Thinking about doing a large Gir painting? Thoughts?

Had a great time in Columbia saturday night. Went to Heroes & Dragons comic store which is awesome. Got some needed Minimates, and then had the best Vietnamese Pork and Shrimp at Pho Viet in Columbia, SC.
I’ve been to Columbia twice in as many months, can’t wait to return again.



Had a great time at Hoshicon yesterday. Saw some friendly faces, and made some new ones as well.
Only did one commision yesterday, It was this Cobra Commander. Girl who ordered it wanted a rainbow because well, you know, it’s Cobra Commander.

I’ve painted him so many times, More than probably any other creature. I guess people like my take on him.
I also worked on the below creatures, all now up on Etsy. They include, The Doctor & Tardis, Thor & Captain America, Swamp Couple, and Sonic and Knucles. Ten bucks each on Etsy
