Category Archives: Comics

Space this weekend!

Driving all the way to Columbus, Oh this weekend to vend at Space
Really looking forward to all the awesome superstars of minicomics and zines there.

The Space 2012 anthology is now out in print as well. I have a story in it. You can get it from Amazon.


Space 2012 Anthology

My comic story Whatever is one of many contributions to the Space 2012 Comic Anthology. It’s available as a free pdf download and also for the Cloud 9 Comics App at Itunes. Print version coming soon and will be available at Space this April for $20. I will post the info on that once available. I can’t sign a digital copy for you afterall. It was an experiment using colored pencils. Can’t say I’m entirely pleased with the result, but there it is.

If you like the artwork the original 4 pages are available for a lowly 10$ at my Etsy. Super cheap comic art.


Batwoman #1

Batwoman #1 is the first comic I’ve picked up in single issue form since Serenity: Hope Floats. The artwork by J.H. Williams with colors by Dave Stewart are beautiful and a noirish story just makes this so good, and a nice drug for my superhero fix. I previewed some of the other DC relaunch books and most of them felt amateurish, or trending young. I’m glad this book was in preproduction before the decision to relaunch was made. It has a self contained story, and bleeds style, and almost feels like a vertigo book. I’ll keep picking it up as long as this team is on the book. A plus.



Had a great time at Heroescon yesterday. To me this is the Comic Book Convention. There are no B celebrities like at Wizard World. No Wrestlers of any kind. It’s about the comics. And the wealth of talent on the show floor makes it the place for comic fans of all tastes. You can go to this show with less than an hundrend bucks and come home with some amazing artwork. Or you could save your money throughout the year and come home with a gallery. The point is, if you like comics and comics arts, this is the show for you. About half the room is dealers so if your fandom is the digging through bins passion then there is more than enough of that for you here as well.

One of the highlights for me was seeing James Silvani and buying that awesome Darkwing Duck ‘Terror’ print from him. It’s already on my wall. Other purchases included comics from many of the indie artists, a five dollar Doctor Who trade, Y the last Man deluxe #4 and a Coyote Ragtime Show Box set.

On a personal note we have made many friends as we do many of the smaller shows across the area, and it really becomes one of the nice things about this convention. Catching up with old friends.
This is Mike Sudduth, who is really talented and just one of the many friends we saw at the show yesterday.

Heroescon rocks. If you live on the east coast, or can afford the plane ticket, make the trip next year. The dates are June 22nd-24th, 2012. Oh and look for us in Artist Alley. If we can get a table, we will be there.


Charlotte Minicon

Went to the Charlotte Minicon today hosted at the awesome Palmer building. Its a pretty cool place for a convention but super small. This convention has really big name comic book guests, the only problem is they are crammed into a small area. There was probably about 20 dealers total so this con is great if your in Charlotte or have other things on the agenda for the day, but for me, Id see it as hard to justify the two hour one way trip again. Still if your in Charlotte I reccomend the show for the chance to meet some great artists.

Just blocks away is the Heroes Arent Hard to Find comic book store (one of the longest and best in the southeast and also showrunners of the convention) and I spent a while there before heading home adding some comic goodness to my trip.


Make Something #4

Make Something #4 is now out. My short story “A Sword Walks Into A Bar” is included and the back cover also has one of my creatures on it. You can purchase physical copies here at Magcloud and the same site allows for digital downloads for the ipad.
You can also download a digital copy in pdf form at SCRIBD
I’m excited to be part of such a good magazine full of awesome talent.
Make Something #4

UPDATE: THats not my story. I have contacted the publisher and I am waiting on an answer to why that has my title and name on it. I’m sorry if you already purchased a copy of the magazine. If you did expecting to get a story by me, please send me an email and we will work something out.

UPDATE: O.k. now my story is included. Again, if you had already purchased one to get a story by me, please email me and I will get you a correct copy.


Death of Joseph Wells now out!

The Death of Joseph Wells is now out! I’m the writer on this awesome comic with the super talented Daniel L Maw. It follows the journey of a young cowboy at the end of his life. I’m super happy to see it in print and hope you’ll enjoy it. I’ll have copies this weekend at the NC Comic Con and for those farther away, it’s available at Comixpress in full color for $5.
Thanks for your support and would love to hear what you think after giving it a read.
