Category Archives: Comic Reviews

Moon Knight #9

Only picked up Moon Knight # 9 this week and new penciler MICO SUAYAN does a nice job of replacing finch although not quite as detailed in the backgrounds. Wonder what will happen in issue ten? In all realities Moon Knight and Punisher shouldn’t really have a problem with each other. Will be interesting to see how Huston plays it.


Optic Nerve returns.

Optic Nerve #11 By Adrian Tomine. Finally this issue is out and finally we can conclude this 3 parter. Tomine is once again playing the wordiness of comics around and what we get is a little piece of self loathing and a wonderfully realised story.
Always good Aplus.

Loveless # 18. More blackwater foolishness. B plus.

Fell #8 Wouldn’t you know it. Optic Nerve gets overshadowed by this book. Fell is not just a great value in comics, it’s also a writer’s workshop, and artistic beauty and truly the best comic I’m reading. APLUS!


Comic Review.

Star Trek The Space Between # 3 Very good story that must have taken place in season 7. These comics are nice reminders of TNG and just how simple the show really was.

Also I highly reccomend you pick up the Cross Bronx trade in stores today. It may be Oeming’s best work besides Powers.


Cross BronX, Gears of War

No new comics today. I did pick up the Cross Bronx Limited series by Michael Avon Oeming and Ivan Brandon and just got through the first issue. It’s pretty good crime story so far and I love the art.
Gears of War is as good as everyone says it is. It’s pretty addictive in its nature as well. I played my first online match today but I’m not really good enough to be playing agaisnt anyone else right now. I got killed pretty quickly. I really am enjoying the single player and am probably about a 1/3rd of the way through it. It’s not often that anything lives up to hype, but so far I’ve got to say Gears does indeed.


Living and The Dead by Jason

The Living And The Dead by JAson published by Fantagraphics. Jason returns to his old silent style comic here and I really just prefer these stories. His simplistic drawings really have so much emotion to them without really doing anything else. This is a zombie love story and it has the nice pacing and neat Charlie Chaplinesque tricks that I’ve come to expect from Jason’s work. A plus

Loveless # 16. Whose in the cave? Sooo many plots, so little happening. Still a very competent Vertigo Book. B plus.


Civil War Frontline #11

Civil War Frontline # 11 The end of the series finally comes with some extra content that actually makes you feel sorry for Tony Stark. I enjoyed civil war but am glad that it’s over. I think Frontline managed to be a pretty neat companion to the main storyline.
If you want to read the entire series i just put my copies up for sale on thisEbay Auction Very Cheap.


civil war concludes, sci-fi comics

Civil War # 7 Finally this series wraps up although it will be a while before all the tie ins die down, Im pretty pleased with the conclusion even if it leaves me hating half of the marvel heroes. I guess that means it did its job then and really kind of impacted what was becoming a very stale universe. Wonder how full reaching they will take the initiative thing. It would be cool if we had defined teams for all fifty states. Who would represent your State?

Bsg #6 Yeah im about through with this. It’s just too short. Has no real impact for me.

Star Trek TNG Space Between #2. This feels like an episode of Next Generation, so if you enjoyed them, youll enjoy this. I did by the way.


Astonishing Avengers.

Astonishing X-men # 20 So it looks like Whedon will be able to wrap up his storyline by the time he leaves which is nice, but it will leave me without an x-book to look forward to. Nice pacing. Still just the right amount of humor. A

New Avengers #27. I dropped this book but thought id give this a try again. At first i thought Bendis missed writing Daredevil until finally the New (new) Avengers showed up. AThis lineup seem a bit underpowered to any of you? And shame on MArvel for that awful chickfila plug. bad product placement if ive ever seen it. B without the spiderad, c with it.


Fell is back!

Fell # 7 Image Comics 1.99 by Warren Ellis and Ben Templesmith. Thank You Thank You Thank you. I miss the backmatter not being in this issue, but other than that I had no clue I like good cop stories so much. Maybe I don’t but heck if this isn’t my favorite comic. Now if it only came out more than once every three months. Aplus.

Loveless # 15. Vertigo/DC 2.99 Now here’s a comic that has kept it’s scheldule for a little over a year now. It’s still good, but with each issue I’m losing a bit of that shock factor that drew me in the first place. B-

So I got to see Lost in High Def last night for the first time. Ooohhh the Jungle is Green. I mean really really green.
