Category Archives: Wii


so i’ve been unable to get online much this week so not too much posting here. Also I’ve been too enthralled in Zelda Twilight Princess to really care to. Im on the final dungeon. A little over 40 hours in and it looks like i will beat the game today. A lot of other things i could still do, like the endurance dungeon and explore the world but for some reason, all i want to do is fight fight fight. It is definetly worth the price of the console by itself, but it isn’t my game of the year. that honor goes to New Super Mario Brothers for the DS. it’s more accesible, and just more fun.

Got the new Owen cd. some of the songs i swear i’ve heard before but if your a fan of any of the kinsella brothers you know your going to want this cd.

Also watched the Devil and Daniel Johnston. That’s pretty crazy stuff.

Hope everyone has got there shopping done. :>


got my wii. niiiiccceee

got my wii. just set it up, made some mii’s which can definetly be a neat little time waster. played wii sports and now im taking a break to register all my new goodies with nintendo. the wii is alreayd awesome and guess what? I’ve got a copy of twilight princess that hasn’t even been in the machine yet. I’m going to start that some tonight but save the meat of it for my days off when I have time to play it. I have to wait for the wii lan adaptor so i can get online and buy me some classic nes games. pinball, and donkey kong here i come. I really really like my wii, and am glad i got up at five this morning to stand in the cold outside of target with the rest of the nuts. wiiiiiiii!!!!!!
