Category Archives: Star Trek

Star Trek XI is go!

O.k. Star Trek Eleven has officially been announced by Paramount for a Christmas 2008 release. It could be the best christmas present ever or the worse blow to my most embarrising favorite show. J.J. Abrams is definetly directing and IGN is now saying that Matt Damon is indeed deep in negotiations to play KIrk, Adrien Brody as Spock and Gary SInise as Mckoy. They also claim James Mcavoy(Last King of Scotland) may play Scotty and Daniel Dae Kim (Lost and Enterprise) is a possibilty for Sulu. I’d be surprised if they get all these actors but if they do then a reboot may indeed be neccesary. That’s some serious star power and you got to believe this will be a bigger budgeted Star Trek than we have ever seen before.
Fingers crossed. If this thing bombs, well that will be it for the franchise for a long long time. If it succeeds expect a new show of some sort(maybe animated) and then watch CBS exploit the name until it grows stale again and we need another rebooting. Fingers Crossed.


civil war concludes, sci-fi comics

Civil War # 7 Finally this series wraps up although it will be a while before all the tie ins die down, Im pretty pleased with the conclusion even if it leaves me hating half of the marvel heroes. I guess that means it did its job then and really kind of impacted what was becoming a very stale universe. Wonder how full reaching they will take the initiative thing. It would be cool if we had defined teams for all fifty states. Who would represent your State?

Bsg #6 Yeah im about through with this. It’s just too short. Has no real impact for me.

Star Trek TNG Space Between #2. This feels like an episode of Next Generation, so if you enjoyed them, youll enjoy this. I did by the way.


sf media tie in comics week

Star Trek The Next Generation The Space Between #1 0f 6 IDW publishing. The first Star Trek Comic released in years comes from IDW on this the 20th anniversary of the Next Generation. The story feels very TNG and the only complaint i can have is that it’s set during the 1st year. I’d prefer to explore things that took place after the movies, to further the story but I can see how that could just be wishful thinking. The story has some good elements and the art is pretty good. All in all it’s Star Trek in the four color boxes again and I’m definetly o.k. with that. b plus

BattleStar Galactica #5 Dynamite Publishing. More on the old cyclons and the returners and a setup for a pretty cool Sharon Valeri fight with herself. It’s not really for anyone other than fans of the show and held to the shows’ high standards it unfortunately can’t compete. b-
