Category Archives: Star Trek

Star Trek: a rambling non spoilery review.

If you like Star Trek, you’ll most likely like this movie. If you like summer movies, you’ll love Star Trek. Trek as directed by JJ Abrams looks better than any previous incarnation of Trek. It feels so fast and smooth and well acted that you really don’t want it to end. The music is amazing and bombastic, the scenes meld together flawlessly and there is not a grey boring ship to be seen. I have some problems with parts of the script that seem to be forced in to please the fans (and to make the movie work) but they are minor quibbles compared to the overall journey this film takes you on.
In much the way Batman Begins rebooted the Batman franchise, Star Trek does the same. The one major problem is we now all have to wait two years to see if Abrams can follow up with his own Dark Knight. I guess that is a small problem to have.
Don’t arrive to the movie late. The first ten minutes are up there with the best cinema we could have on the big screen. And throughout the movie there are just shots that you want to pause and stare at in their big screen glory. Some of them are just so iconic, I can see them being burned into our brains for a long time. I already can’t wait for the blu ray to do just that.
The cast is perfect. Simon Pegg as Scotty and Karl Urban as Bones in particular are beyond good. Eric Bana’s villian is passible but they will need some kind of better nemesis for the sequel (assuming you all go see this, which you should).
I’m in love with Star Trek again, and yet, I think this is something you could love without ever liking any previous incarnation which is a tremendous feat.
A plus plus.
I’ll see it again opening weekend. See you there!


Trek on.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and the chaos of Christmas follows shortly after. I’m already starting to feel it, but it does seem more subdued than in years past. I have no clue what to get anyone this year as we all seem to have everything we need, which is a good thing I guess. The new Star Trek trailer impressed me greatly. I keep hearing people saying it’s not Trek. Maybe that is a good thing. Trek had dried up to the point where no one cared. This still looks like Trek, except for once with a budget and I look forward to seeing the end product. If the story is as smooth as the special effects look, then we should have a revitalized franchise come May. 


Spock or Sylar


I don’t know. Is this really the first promo pick you send out? Next thing you know he’ll be ripping the guys brains open for his powers. He looks like Nimoy. The problem is he looks like Sylar, especially in this pick. I do like the uniform. The mesh stuff looks nice and pratical and retains the classic look. The trailer is supposed to hit next month.Starting to get excited.


Star Trek at Comic-con

So on a day where there was supposed to be announcements galor we get this new Star Trek poster(oohhh retro) and confirmation that Zachary Quinto (SYlar from Heroes) is spock and Lenoard Nimoy is coming back to. and that’s it. Oh well if they are really going to start filming in November, it won’t be long till we hear who is going to be Kirk.
Indiana Jones posters are cool too. 2008 may be the best Geek year ever. It’s nice to always think that, but frankly this year has been outstanding.


trek fest is um

really a small town faire. Its kind of neat that they have the whole star trek thing label on it but really its just a small town fair with nothing much more to it. We only stayed about 1/2 an hour. I did see the future birthplace of Captain Kirk though. It’s behind an alleyway. Someone had taped a picture of Uhura to the back. Funny.


The Shatner Show

O.k. up in Canada, birthplace of William Shatner, they are having a art show called, The Shatner Show. Pretty awesome pieces. Someone buy me that gorn and shatner kiss fest, or at least buy me the book. Seriously buy me the book:> Anyway you can check out the show here which is also where you can buy me a book. Going to be a busy day of Shatner today as Iowa City is showing Wrath of Khan for free tonight under the beautiful but hot June skies. Khaaaaaaaannnnnn!!!!!


Star Trek Of Gods and Men

So I’ve been aware of all the fan made films of Star Trek on the web the past couple of years. Exeter and New Voyages never really drew me in. Not that they were bad by any means, I just couldn’t really get into it. Now I’ve seen this trailer for Of Gods and Men and seen the actual trek alumni in it and Im kinda blown away. It looks like more fun than any episode of Voyager ever was and it’s a mirror universe tale so how can I pass that up? Walter Koening can play evil. I wonder how weird it is for these actors to be going back to these characthers for free after so long. I mean did anyone think we would see Uhuru on screen again? Even on the Innertube. My geek sense is tingling and I love this trailer. you can see and learn more at

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Comic Review.

Star Trek The Space Between # 3 Very good story that must have taken place in season 7. These comics are nice reminders of TNG and just how simple the show really was.

Also I highly reccomend you pick up the Cross Bronx trade in stores today. It may be Oeming’s best work besides Powers.
