Category Archives: poetry

Now Published in the United Kingdom

I’ve got a poem in this collection based on the modern day Series 3 episode Blink. You know I love fandom, and its pretty cool being in a fandom collection. Got my copy of the book today and theres some neat poems inside for the Doctor Who fans out there. Also some pretty good art from all over the world. I wonder if this makes me an international author?
The Best Dr. Who Poems In The Universe Website


Pixelated and other Zine news,

I’ve got two poems, City Sounds, and In Passing, published in the newly released zine Pixelated by Brandy Erdmann of Athens, Georgia. It’s a great little zine, with some very fun parts, and is only $2. There’s recipies, pictures, stories and even fun facts inside. You can buy a copy at her Etsy site. I’m proud to be a part of another zine. It’s been a while, and it makes me smile.

I also have two of my older zines Unspoken and the Peas Almost Action figure set in a Zine show here in town at the Asheville Bookworks Gallery space. Which is pretty swell.



hands ache with the turn,
special villains unveiling their diabolical,
a handbag unbuttoned, a slip of cash,
a pint of whiskey, chatter past.
too many stones left unturned,
the fall trees slowly burn.


cold simple.

The wind is howling. It beats my pants legs as it falls over, around me.
The sky turns grey without hope for another sunny day,
the winter works it’s northern magic,
I dial for an outside line, and there rests nothing but dead leaves.
We are mighty!
We who have discovered four walls and fire.
Let not a man discover, that we walked with fear.


.. i am ready..
could we get any more tired?
i sure could use a coke.
or a piece of pecan pie.
let’s settle east of the long river.
where hair falls below shoulders,
and science and faith are absent.
it’s not snow anymore.
too fuzzy, too burnt.
