Category Archives: Civil War

Civil War Frontline #11

Civil War Frontline # 11 The end of the series finally comes with some extra content that actually makes you feel sorry for Tony Stark. I enjoyed civil war but am glad that it’s over. I think Frontline managed to be a pretty neat companion to the main storyline.
If you want to read the entire series i just put my copies up for sale on thisEbay Auction Very Cheap.


civil war concludes, sci-fi comics

Civil War # 7 Finally this series wraps up although it will be a while before all the tie ins die down, Im pretty pleased with the conclusion even if it leaves me hating half of the marvel heroes. I guess that means it did its job then and really kind of impacted what was becoming a very stale universe. Wonder how full reaching they will take the initiative thing. It would be cool if we had defined teams for all fifty states. Who would represent your State?

Bsg #6 Yeah im about through with this. It’s just too short. Has no real impact for me.

Star Trek TNG Space Between #2. This feels like an episode of Next Generation, so if you enjoyed them, youll enjoy this. I did by the way.
